Jart: Danny Gonzalez kündigt seinen Ruhstand an

25. Juni 2009   05:59  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Ist das der Monat, in dem bekannte Pro Fahrer in Rente gehen? Nach Jereme Rogers hat Danny Gonzalez seinenRuhestand angekündigt. Der Grund sind Probleme mit seinem rechten Bein.

Press Release:

We have a bad new for the skateboard community, Danny quits because of recurrent problems with his right leg

That’s what he told us via email:

It doesn't look good. I recently found out my ankle is off set to theright. Which means my knee can't take impact because I don't have agood base. 

I would like to thank you and Jart for all your support, but this is it for me. I can no longer skateboard as a Professional.

Thanks again

Danny „

We understand this must have been a really difficult decision for himto take and wish him the best for this new times to come, with theboard under his feet like a true skater he is.

For us he will always be a part of the skateboarding history, one of the greats skaters that changed street skating.

Thanks Danny!!

Tags: Jart, Ruhestand,

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