Volcom beurlaubt 75% aller US-Arbeiter und alle Mitarbeiter in Europa wegen Corona Krise

24. März 2020   11:35  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Das Corona Virus fordert auch in der Skateboardbranche erste, große Opfer. Shop eat Surf haben eine Pressemitteilung von Volcom veröffentlicht, in der die Rede davon ist, fast alle Mitarbeiter zu beurlauben! Für die Volcom Leute beginnt eine harte Zeit.

In den USA musste man 75% aller Mitarbeiter in den „Zwangsurlaub“ schicken während dies in Europa fast alle Mitarbeiter betrifft.

Auf Grund der Ereignisse müsse Volcom schnell handeln.

We are sad to report that the economic shock caused by the coronavirus caused Volcom to furlough 75% of its staff in the U.S. and nearly 100% of its staff in Europe this week.

We are being proactive across the board because we don’t believe that the market is going to turn around anytime soon and we owe it our employees to not manage the business with optimism,”

This virus and associated actions are moving so fast that one day feels like a decade, so we had to react swiftly.

Approximately 75% of U.S. staff is furloughed and nearly 100% of the European is staff furloughed. The U.S. company is paying all benefit costs and paying out paid time off accruals if requested. The staff will be eligible for unemployment. The EU staff is accessing their governments’ social benefits.

Tags: Corona Virus, Volcom,

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