Die Russen kommen! Egor Kaldikov, Sewa Kroetkov und Konstantin Kabanov – Drei unserer Lieblingsrussen schenken sich in der Berrics Halle absolut nix …
Die Russen kommen! Egor Kaldikov, Sewa Kroetkov und Konstantin Kabanov – Drei unserer Lieblingsrussen schenken sich in der Berrics Halle absolut nix …
Speedy tech lines, board-snapping sets and enough no-comply variations to make Barbee jealous, Russia’s Egor Kaldikov blurs the lines and slays the streets.
Moscow its getting more and more popular in the world of skateboarding every year because of it’s perfect skate spots and the quantity of marble around the entire city. Recently, a lot of teams have been taking trips to the…
►Watch the crew shred Moscow here: http://win.gs/SkateofMindMoscow Leaving behind the overwhelming metropolis of Moscow for the next leg of our Russian skateboard excursion, we headed to the Baltic port city of St. Petersburg. Maxim Habanec and Jirka Hronek said their…