
Southbank Minute: Episode 8 – ‚Indelible‘ by Chris Morgan

20. Juni 2017   18:00  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Southbank Minute Series: Episode 8 – ‘Indelible’ from Chris Morgan featuring Tom Wilk, Sam Taylor, Steph Khou, Shaun Currie, Doug Parmiter, Luka Pinto, and Ash Hall.

Chris’s story: “I spent most days at SB from 2005 onwards for quite a few years pretty much. Hanging out skating with friends all day in the summer watching the world go by didn’t ever get old. The vibes were always super good, loads of freedom and it was always sick meeting and sessioning with visitors from all over the world.

Southbank is community, creativity, freedom and giving the people the realisation that they have the power to make a difference.

I’ve always enjoyed filming anyone that’s pushed themselves to get the clip. Sam Taylor was always fun to film with. I remember knocking out his Ace Trucks welcome clip and Luka Pinto’s ten tricks edit in a short amount of time one night. That was sick. Most hyped when there’s a good energy and things are happening.

I would like to see Southbank getting back to the full size it was in the 90’s, fully opened up and inspiring skateboarding creativity and strengthening London’s community for newer and older generations.

I hope everyone enjoys the edit. These are some of my favourite clips that I’ve filmed with friends, locals and past team from about 2010 onwards both seen and unseen. Just about to release some new boards in the weeks to come, keep them peeled!”.

Filmed and edited by Chris Morgan.

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