
Bastien Salabanzi | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts – Episode 109

27. August 2018   18:00  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Bastien Salabanzi discusses growing up in Toulon France, starting skating at 9 years old, getting sponsored by 16 Skateboards, flying to California for the first time, filming for the Flip video “Sorry”, turning pro for Flip Skateboards, leaving his sponsors and returning to France, skating for Jart Skateboards, winning a spot in Street League, Paul Rodriguez asking him to ride for Primitive Skateboards and much more!


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Shot By: Eric Longden
Edited By: Chris Roberts & Roger Bagley



Switchflip Switch Manny: http://bit.ly/youtube-switchflipswitchmanny
Bastien Salabanzi: The Lost Part: https://youtu.be/oco_UgeagAk
Bastien Salabanzi – Sorry: https://youtu.be/B6eOhBN8dv4
Bastien Salabanzi – Manolo’s Tapes: https://youtu.be/GVZOAg0nXeU
Bastien Salabanzi – Lordz – They don’t give a fuck about us: https://youtu.be/MKH0kdpHDp0
Jart Skateboards – All you need – Bastien Salabanzi: https://youtu.be/9Ek91PLK1Zk
Bastien Salabanzi – Really Sorry: https://youtu.be/X_iTiaO0258
Tampa Pro 2004: Bastien Salabanzi: https://youtu.be/AfuAWJfgS_Y
Bastien Salabanzi – Lordz Conspiracy: https://youtu.be/l0zx6d9J6Oc
Street League’s Best of 2013: Bastien Salabanzi: https://youtu.be/RRIGrjMDclM
BATB 6 MOOSE vs BASTIEN SALABANZI: https://youtu.be/scfVYxUNZAs
Bastien Salabanzi Killing it!: https://youtu.be/RAG-s4UTVW4


The Nine Club
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram-thenineclub
Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-thenineclubshow
Facebook: http://bit.ly/thenineclub-facebook
Website: http://bit.ly/thenineclub

Bastien Salabanzi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bastiensalabanzi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bastiensalabanzimusic

Chris Roberts
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram-chrisroberts
Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-chris_roberts1
Snapchat: http://bit.ly/snapchat-chris_roberts1
Facebook: http://bit.ly/facebook-chrisroberts7

Roger Bagley
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram-the_breadcrumb_trail

Kelly Hart
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram-kellyhart
Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-kellyhart
Snapchat: http://bit.ly/snapchat-kellymhart
Facebook: http://bit.ly/facebook-kellyhartskate

Eric Longden
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram-ericlongden
Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-eric_longden
Facebook: http://bit.ly/facebook-ericlongden5
Website: http://bit.ly/ericlongdenfilms

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