Nachdem Nyjah Huston an der Clipper Ledge in San Francisco sich mit einem Cab Backside Noseblunt in die Geschichtsbücher einschrieb, tut das jetzt jemand mit einem Switch Backside Nose Blunt!
Nachdem Nyjah Huston an der Clipper Ledge in San Francisco sich mit einem Cab Backside Noseblunt in die Geschichtsbücher einschrieb, tut das jetzt jemand mit einem Switch Backside Nose Blunt!
Carlos Ribeiro nimmt uns in LA mit auf eine Session auf einem Schulhof und auf die Straßen der kalifornischen Metropole.
Ein Jahr in der Mache, jetzt is es da … ENCORE von Primitive Skateboards. Alle sind dabei, Tiago Lemos, Paul Rodriguez, Bastian Salabanzi
Just because every trick in his All for You part was stunningly perfect, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t put in the work. Carlos blends natural skill with a burning perseverance and the results are nothing short of epic. Keep…
Wieviel Kontrolle hat Carlos Ribeiro??? This part is a masterpiece. Enjoy the show…
A film by Will Miles for Grey Featuring: Kyle Wilson, Kyron Davis, Casper Brooker, Savannah Stacey Keenan, Carlos Ribeiro, Kilian Zehnder, Dan West, Korahn Gayle, Dwayne Coleman, Nik Stain, Hadi and Ville Wester. Filmed by Will…
Aus dem TransWorld Video „duets“ kommen die Power- und Techpakete Tiago Lemos und Carlos Ribeiro aus Brasilien.
Primitive Skateboarding is proud to present “Never”, featuring Paul Rodriguez, Diego Najera, Wade Desarmo, Nick Tucker, Devine Calloway,
Brazil is known for churrasco (that grilled meat with the perfect char), hairless bikini lines, and skateboarding. Kelvin Hoefler and Carlos Ribeiro dropped by to celebrate meatsgiving in their own way. Talk about Brazilian wax!…
Primitive Skateboards war mit Carlos Ribeiro, Diego Najera, Nick Tucker, Trent McClung, Paul Rodriguez Devine Calloway,
The Pendleton Zoo promo video featuring: Diego Najera, Carlos Ribeiro, Bastien Salabanzi, Trent McClung and Marek Zaprazny. Filmed by Alan Hannon and Kevin Perez.
Roman Lisivka, Marek Zaprazny, Carlos Ribeiro, Wacson Mass and Robert Neal hit the streets of DC and NY for the East Coast version of Vision Test Promo. Filmed in 2 weeks. Filmed and edited…
Unused clips and alternative angels from the LRG 1947 video. The clips were filmed in Brazil, Barcelona, and China with some of the LRG Crew. #1947 More at: http://theridechannel.com/ SUBSCRIBE to RIDE: http://bit.ly/HZ9Dau Like RIDE on FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/ridechannel Follow RIDE…
Carlos Ribeiro for the new Vision Test Capsule. Filmed by: Kevin Perez
► Subscribe to Primitive Skate: http://bit.ly/prmtvsub Always keep a piece of our Ice Tray wax in your pocket and never worry about sticky spots again. Available at: http://primitiveskate.com. Filmed by: Alan Hannon 🔥 Follow us: Instagram: http://instagram.com/primitiveskate Facebook: http://fb.com/primitiveskate Twitter:…
• Subscribe to The Berrics 👉 http://bit.ly/TheBerricsYoutube You know how people suggest you should dance like no one is watching? Well, this is how Carlos Ribeiro skates when he thinks he’s free from prying eyes. He has skills that stretch…
Typically when somebody snaps their tricks we refer to it as pop, but that doesn’t even do Carlos justice. His tricks are more of an explosion, and the way he brings such high level technicality to the table makes it…
Primitive Skateboards präsentieren das Opal Promo Video. Featuring Paul Rodriguez, Devine Calloway, Carlos Ribeiro, Shane O’Neill, Brian Peacock, Nick Tucker, Trent McClung und dem neusten Pro Fahrer Diego Najera.
► Subscribe to Primitive Skate: http://bit.ly/prmtvsub Primitive presents: Opal Promo Video. Featuring Paul Rodriguez, Devine Calloway, Carlos Ribeiro, Shane O’Neill, Brian Peacock, Nick Tucker, Trent McClung and a full part from our newest pro Diego Najera. Filmed/Edited by: Kevin Perez…
Macbalife.com new series. This is #Macbafilmercut and you can enjoy a remix of footage filmed by one camera soldier. The first episode brings you the best clips captured by Henner Figueiredo, AKA „Nono“. Featured skaters: Kristian Krasimirov, Thierry Gormit, Antony…
Der entspannte Catalunya Remix mit Tom Penny, Jesus Fernandez, CarlosRibeiro, Max Geronzi und Marek Zapranzny ….
Wie ihr in den News schon erfahren konntet, ist das Primitive Skateboards Team mit Carlos Ribeiro, Shane O Neill, Paul Rodriguez, Nick Tucker, Diego Najera und Trent Mc Clung in Kanada auf Tour. P-Rods Filmbuddy Nigel K. Alexander hat jetzt den Tourclip von Winnipeg fertig. Paul und Shane sind wie immer eine Augenweide, von denen kann […]
LRG Clothing haben ihren Fahrer Carlos Ribeiro zusammenmit den Zumies Jungs vor die Kamera gezerrt. Der gute Carlos "musste" Rede und Antwort bei dem Q&A stehen. Zwischendurch beweist Ribeiro, wie talentiert er auf dem Board steht …