The format is as old as time. You find a great sage, and allow the general public to flood them with on how to ease their troubled minds. Then the sage imparts their wisdom and people’s lives are fixed forever.…
The format is as old as time. You find a great sage, and allow the general public to flood them with on how to ease their troubled minds. Then the sage imparts their wisdom and people’s lives are fixed forever.…
CCS stellten zum Go Skateboarding Day 2018 in den USA einen Cadillac zum „skaten“ zu Verfügung. Am Ende fuhr ein glücklicher Skateboarder mit einem brandneuen
Strolling down memory lane simultaneously in two different generations can be confusing, to say the least. Chris Cole and Tom Asta navigate their way through fond memories, flat bars, and piles of dog shit in this installment of Mail-Order Memories.…
There’s nothing like seeing your baby boy grow into a demented psychopath who is constantly trying to kill himself on any massive rail in sight. It kind of just warms your heart. We’re so proud of CCS team rider Zach…
Aaron JAWS Homoki hat für seinen CCS Welcome Part 210 Treppenstufen an einem Tag geskatet. Das der Typ noch immer laufen kann, trotz der fetten Gaps und Treppen, ist ein Wunder.