Wer auch nur kurz irgendwo die Nachrichten im Fernsehen oder auf YouTube einschaltet wird sicher von den schrecklichen Waldbränden in Los Angeles
Wer auch nur kurz irgendwo die Nachrichten im Fernsehen oder auf YouTube einschaltet wird sicher von den schrecklichen Waldbränden in Los Angeles
In Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern läuft der neue Lockdown. Skatehallen und Skateparks sind geschlossen. Auch unsere Freunde
„We are back.“ Wait, wrong skate interview series…. Welcome to another edition of „Skaters In Cars,“ featuring none other than Nine Club host Chris Roberts. Since 2016, Roberts has been the main host of skateboarding’s premiere podcast, The Nine Club,…
Nach dem ganzen Gerede zwischen Chris Roberts und Mike Mo Capaldi, beide sind die Team Chefs vom BATB11, sind die beiden Helden
An alternate edit to Chris Roberts‘ Hot Chocolate part from the 2006 „Squeak E. Clean – Yeah Right! Hot Chocolate“ DVD. This was a CD/DVD album only released in Japan, featuring various background beats and songs that were created for…
Go behind the scenes of The Nine Club set and get a little back story from Chris Roberts‘ on his passion for podcasting here on the latest installment of Interests. Includes some cool, never before seen pilot footage from their…
The Chris Roberts Remix featuring none other than Chris Roberts. All of Chris‘ street footage from 1996 to present, in one place. The footage in the first part that is doubled is to prevent the video from getting blocked worldwide,…
Steve Olson discusses getting his first board for Christmas in 1966, turning pro at age 16 for Santa Cruz, making up tricks in his contest runs, winning Skateboarder Magazine’s skater of the year, how skating died in the early 80’s,…
This clip is taken from The Nine Club with Chris Roberts Episode #21 with Tom Asta (https://youtu.be/wAfnpn9QH30) Subscribe to The Nine Club YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenineclubshow?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe and listen on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nine-club-chris-roberts/id1121362690?mt=2&at=1001lq9S Subscribe and listen on Google Play: https://goo.gl/app/playmusic?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Ixpqmqg6ssgqimomb6aksa3gvsa?t%3DThe_Nine_Club_With_Chris_Roberts Listen on…
Eldy and Crob. A remix of their web footy since Pretty Sweet. Make sure to follow these boys on instagram as they are always uploadin some crazy iphone clips! *PS. SFSM included** Edit: Daniel Policelli – @policelli31 Song: We Can…
Crob gives us is Top 5 reactions when we put the camera on him.
Nora Vasconcellos discusses growing up in Massachusetts, how she got into skateboarding, her 71 hour train ride to the west coast, making the move from Hoopla to Welcome Skateboards, getting on Adidas, going to the olympics and much more… Subscribe…
Zwei Mal haben wir "Unbeleafable: A Girl Skateboards 3D Film" angekündigt, jetzt ist das kleine Full Length Video da! Ty Evans bietet den Streifen in 2D und 3D an und hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben. Die Girl Fahrer werden perfekt in Szene gesetzt, der Film ist etwas für die Augen. Ohne viel bla bla noch […]
The Top 5 reasons why Daniel Castillo, Chris Roberts, Guy Mariano, Daniel Espinoza, and Jeremy Wray are not at Street League