
Flow w/ Ryan Sheckler and Friends at His Private Skate Park: SC Sandlot

9. Mai 2017   23:46  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Sheckler calls the place the “SC Sandlot,” an homage to what’s undeniably the greatest movie of all time, and it’s his office, his dojo and his zen garden, all in one. Any day he spends at home in Orange County ends at the Sandlot, blasting music, skating his custom ramps and perfecting his craft.

It’s an invite-only affair, and just before heading east to Detroit for Red Bull Hart Lines, his signature skate event, he rallied a crew to mimic the speed, style and flow we’ll see on display in Hart Plaza. Felipe Gustavo, Ryan Decenzo and Axel Cruysberghs dropped in for a jam and went to work.

Sheckler’s private park sets the scene for the speed, style and energy we’re looking forward to at the 2017 edition of Red Bull Hart Lines. Watch the boys rip it right before they head east to Detroit for the big show. Click the link above and make sure you tune in to the live event!

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Image 16. November 2017   06:00

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