Chad Muska mit einem Shorty’s Skateboards Comeback – Trotzdem eigene Firma

14. September 2020   16:59  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Vor einer Woche verkündete Chad Muska, dass er seine eigene Skateboardfirma starten wird (News). 7 Tage später: Chad gibt bekannt, dass er zurück bei Shorty’s Skateboards ist. Allerdings nicht als Teamfahrer!

Wie man dem Posting unten entnehmen kann, hat the Muska wieder Verbindung zu Shorty’s aufgenommen und man macht gemeinsame Sache in Bezug auf das legendäre OG Silhouette Brett! Die bekannteste Boardgrafik von Chad wurde vom Shorty’s Gründer Tony Buyalos designt und soll demnächst wieder erhältlich sein.

Und Chads Pläne für eine eigene Skateboard Company, über die auch auf Boardstation letzte Woche berichtet wurde? Alles kalter Kaffee? Mitnichten. An seinen Ideen möchte the Muska weiter festhalten. Die eigenen Firma muss nur noch etwas warten.

Die Neuauflage des legendären Muska Boards wird der Shorty’s Gründer und Erfinder der Boardgrafik, Buyalos, leider nicht mehr miterleben. Er verstarb leider im März 2020 (News).


I am so happy and honored to officially announce that after many years apart I am finally establishing my relationship with @shortysskateboards again and every original color of my OG Silhouette Shorty’s boards will be available for all this week.

I am still actively pursuing my own personal venture, but some things are forever and these boards should be available in original form.

This most iconic graphic of mine was created by Tony Buyalos who started Shorty’s.

Tony saw something in me at a young age and set out to have me be the face to launch Shorty’s Skateboards.

Then as I remember it, one day I was sitting on his doorstep getting ready to go skate and he shot a pic of me sitting there on my skateboard with headphones on, he then went into his office with a sketch pad and with pencil, black and red markers and sketched out a real loose version of it on paper and I thought it looked cool but couldn’t completely understand, then a few days later he had it in the computer and made the official one and I was sold!!

The rest is history. Thank you Tony, you believed in me and gave me freedom to create in a platform that you built, freedom is how magic happens.

This is my most proud accomplishment in life, the times at Shorty’s when we were on top of the world, it was insane, couldn’t explain even if I tried.

We connected globally with so many people and had the times of our life doing it.

I will do my best to help keep Tony’s dream alive as he fulfilled mine.

I thank you all for your continued support!!!

Follow @shortysskateboards and we will announce the official launch day ASAP. I saw the boards already in a pic at the factory and they look sick!!!

These ones will not be full dipped like ones just released, more traditional skate style just the way they always were!!!



Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an


I am so happy and honored to officially announce that after many years apart I am finally establishing my relationship with @shortysskateboards again and every original color of my OG Silhouette Shorty’s boards will be available for all this week. – I am still actively pursuing my own personal venture, but some things are forever and these boards should be available in original form. – This most iconic graphic of mine was created by Tony Buyalos who started Shorty’s. – Tony saw something in me at a young age and set out to have me be the face to launch Shorty’s Skateboards. – Then as I remember it, one day I was sitting on his doorstep getting ready to go skate and he shot a pic of me sitting there on my skateboard with headphones on, he then went into his office with a sketch pad and with pencil, black and red markers and sketched out a real loose version of it on paper and I thought it looked cool but couldn’t completely understand, then a few days later he had it in the computer and made the official one and I was sold!! – The rest is history. Thank you Tony, you believed in me and gave me freedom to create in a platform that you built, freedom is how magic happens. – This is my most proud accomplishment in life, the times at Shorty’s when we were on top of the world, it was insane, couldn’t explain even if I tried. – We connected globally with so many people and had the times of our life doing it. – I will do my best to help keep Tony’s dream alive as he fulfilled mine. – I thank you all for your continued support!!! – Follow @shortysskateboards and we will announce the official launch day ASAP. I saw the boards already in a pic at the factory and they look sick!!! – These ones will not be full dipped like ones just released, more traditional skate style just the way they always were!!! – #thisshitsgotpop #shortysskateboards #muska #forever

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Chad Muska (@themuska) am

Tags: Chad Muska, Shortys Skateboards,

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