
Vans Europe Presents: Natural Born Cooler

11. Juli 2018   22:59  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Vans Europe proudly presents Natural Born Cooler. Directed by Paul Labadie and showcasing exclusive footage of the Vans European skateboard team who travelled across Luxembourg, Spain, Austria, Cyprus and Italy last year. Kris Vile, Chris Pfanner, Victor Pellegrin, Nassim Guammaz all deliver full parts and Vans introduce Albert Nyberg to the team. The video also features the rest of the Vans European skate team including Ross McGouran, Josh Young, Alain Goikoetxea, Jonathan Thijs, Sam Partaix, Joseph Biais, Martino Cattaneo, Yeelen Moens, Flo Marfaing and Muki Rüstig.

Natural Born Cooler delivers the very best of the Vans European skateboard team.

“Golden Strings” by Link Wray
“Rock N’Roll Star” by Bästard
“Timeless” by Ygarr Ygarrist
“Defamation Innuendo” by Circle Jerks
“Do You Love Me” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

About Vans Skate:
Videos from the Vans Skate Team.
Skate Team Members:
Anthony Van Engelen, Gilbert Crockett, Chima Ferguson, Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Kyle Walker, Andrew Allen, Chris PFanner, Curren Caples, Daniel Lutheran, Dustin Dollin, Elijah Berle, Jason Dill, Omar Hassan, Pedro Barros, Alex Perelson, Lizzie Armanto, Rowan Zorilla, Ronnie Sandoval, Chris Russell, Christian Hosoi, Jeff Grosso, John Cardiel, Ray Barbee, Steve Caballero, Tony Alva

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